Tuesday, May 4, 2010

sir Eric

Sir Eric

Sir Eric is one on the king’s high judicial board. Sir Eric also comes from the land of Chicago. Chicago as you remember is the land of bad local kings like King Rob who sold local thrones for extra money. Another story.
Anway, King Eric has already pissed off the royal subjects by doing really stupid stuff. See, members of the royal army is fighting some real bad guys. One of the bad guys got a little frisky and the royal army guys had to set this man with the towel used as a hat…. Straight so he could not hurt others. Now, one would think Sir Eric would be proud of his Royal army guys but…. NNNOOOO…. Sir Eric wants to send them to the dungeon for their good deeds.
Sir Eric also wants to bring some really bad guys from the land of good cigars, to visit the king’s court. Now these Guys really don’t like the Kingdom and anyone who lives in it, in fact they say "hear ye hear ye ..."you guys suck" "death to all of King Obama’s subjects"… However ,Sir Eric wants to give them time to tell others how bad the Obama kingdom is ….What a nice man sayeth the main man with the towel hat.

Sir Eric also does not like King George. See King George hated the man with the towel hat and wanted to make sure his subjects were safe from Harm. Sir Eric thinks it wrong to protect the subjects of king Obama’s land. You’re the bad man Sir Eric!

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