Monday, May 3, 2010

In the land of Obama, there lived some town Criers‘. The town criers were in charge of spreading the word of the King. The King loved Sir General Electric because he always said nice things about the king. The king loved his servant Sir GE. They spoke highly of each other and when it came to others that wanted to be king , Sir GE made life generally very tough on them because he loved his king. Sir GE found himself being rewarded by the king letting him tax those not keeping their stables clean and making the earth unsafe.
On the other hand there was Sir Fox. Sir Fox was not pleasing to the king because he did something that was not known to the King . See, Sir Fox told the people of the kingdom the truth about king Obama and his servants. Now, Sir Fox had his own town criers… Bill and Glen and a jester in training Shep. Although Shep was the funniest one , he was in training to please Sir Fox. Every day Sir fox would be entertained by Glenn and bill and the people of the land was also amused. the king did not like this , He once told his personal town crier prince Robert to banish them from the Castle. Then came lady Sarah,Lady sarah was the former queen of the land of alaska an decided she would rather be a Lady. Sir Fox was impressed with Lady Sarah. Sarah was a lady that chats frequently with sir Fox. At one time a court Jester named David said some mean things about princess Sarah’s family and That pleased the king. David loved to fill his female helpers with his kindness but is was a secret . Its like the cooking pot calling the Kettle Black.
In the kings land his people like Lady Sarah. These people call themselves tea party people. The tea party people would like to take the kingdom back to the time of king Ronald when the people loved their king and all the people in the land was happy. But , King Obama doesn’t like that.
Sir Foxs favorite Town crier is Crier Glenn….and that he is. The king doesn’t like Glenn because Glenn tells tales about the kings friends who hates the land. Friar Wright says god damn the kingdom , and others says bad things about the Kings people that are light in color. He tells tales of bad men that visit the kings castle and eats and drinks with the king . One friend has also spent a lot of time in the kings dungeon. The king is so upset he would like to stop sir foxes town criers from their truths . Its so sad!

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