Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Health Care and the land of Kalefornea

We all know that the land of Kalefornea (king Arnold pronounceation) Has had their moments in the Kings Land. This is a beautiful land with lots of Chariots, Stinky fog like skies, Many visitors from the land of the South. although the kindom has walls, the Subjects from the other land love to make a game of it and magically Appear. The Subjects love the fact if the young is striken with a cough they can go to the nearest Room of emergency medicine practitioners and be treated for no Quid... (money) . That is a good thing and so generous of the other subjects in the land. To this the King says let my people get free medicine.
Now it was so that King Obama felt some of his subjects needed care for thier illneses so he decided to take a vote with his friends so to be fair to all. Now some of his friends didnt like the written law. They Said "king What does the new law of the land say?" King Obama said how the hell do I know ? I have no need to read the bill cause I am King besides its too much time to read! And his right hand man Sir Rohm (dead fish guy) sayeth, Trust me !
So the King decided to take a Vote from his trusted and non trusted friends. Now...Back to Kalefornea, see they had a Mote they had tried to open for years and the Kings men , Of the tree hugger tribe sayeth, NO, we need to save the mighty mouse worm(i made that up) . But the food growing subjects said but king we need the water for our land. Now when the Vote for the kings bill was short , The King said If you come to my side on the care of the people I will let you have your Water and to hell with the mighty mouse worm .... and so it was done . The gates of water Flowed in to the great Broken Land of Kalefornea. Now you ask " did the King say it is the law of the land? Hell yes! Did he read the Bill... Dont think so . Now some of the Town criers said KING this will cost your royal subjects more Quid! King Said we do not care , we will go to the great land by the china sea and get more money! And so it is written.

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