Sunday, May 9, 2010

The land of Viet nam

History will hit the pages here ... In a land far away where pajamas are worn all the time like lord Hefner, (the king of naked partys) there lived two kings who wanted not to share the land . One king was from the north and the other from the south.
King john was in power and sayeth , we need to gather our charriots and go to the land of pajamas and straw hats and help the king from the south. well, the king from the north said naaa....we dont want you here and we still want the south. so they had harsh words and couldnt play well together.
This went on for awhile and one day King john was slain. Not a good day. Then King lyndon took over as the new king. King lyndon like that because he was friends with sir General Electric and made alot of quid from sir GE. Well, the war didnt go well , and many lost their lives while sir GE and King lyndon made lots of quid (money). The war didnt go well in this land and cost the kingdom big dollars as well as 58,000 warriors.

Then King richard came to power so king lyndon could spend his quid. King richard said to the people we should really leave since we cannot win this dispute. So King richard brought the warriors home . The twomn criers only speak of king georges war which 1/5 the warriors lost their lives VS Viet nam they forget .... It is so sad that all young subjects only learn about king richard and the Watergate castle vs some of the great things the man did for his kingdom. By the way your royal writer met King nixon in 1970 what a thrill .

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Health Care and the land of Kalefornea

We all know that the land of Kalefornea (king Arnold pronounceation) Has had their moments in the Kings Land. This is a beautiful land with lots of Chariots, Stinky fog like skies, Many visitors from the land of the South. although the kindom has walls, the Subjects from the other land love to make a game of it and magically Appear. The Subjects love the fact if the young is striken with a cough they can go to the nearest Room of emergency medicine practitioners and be treated for no Quid... (money) . That is a good thing and so generous of the other subjects in the land. To this the King says let my people get free medicine.
Now it was so that King Obama felt some of his subjects needed care for thier illneses so he decided to take a vote with his friends so to be fair to all. Now some of his friends didnt like the written law. They Said "king What does the new law of the land say?" King Obama said how the hell do I know ? I have no need to read the bill cause I am King besides its too much time to read! And his right hand man Sir Rohm (dead fish guy) sayeth, Trust me !
So the King decided to take a Vote from his trusted and non trusted friends. Now...Back to Kalefornea, see they had a Mote they had tried to open for years and the Kings men , Of the tree hugger tribe sayeth, NO, we need to save the mighty mouse worm(i made that up) . But the food growing subjects said but king we need the water for our land. Now when the Vote for the kings bill was short , The King said If you come to my side on the care of the people I will let you have your Water and to hell with the mighty mouse worm .... and so it was done . The gates of water Flowed in to the great Broken Land of Kalefornea. Now you ask " did the King say it is the law of the land? Hell yes! Did he read the Bill... Dont think so . Now some of the Town criers said KING this will cost your royal subjects more Quid! King Said we do not care , we will go to the great land by the china sea and get more money! And so it is written.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010


These stories you are about to read are true. The names have been ...little bit , not a whloe lot, not really changed.....well no last names (except Friar Wright) to protect the ...well it protects no one. My writings are mainly for fun and pokes fun at those who really do stupid things. If you don't like my writings then please dont read and please keep in mind the ones I make fun of think we Tax paying, Hard working(well most of us) people of The USA are really, really stupid! Also , I am not a professional writer , so, spelling and punctuation, and sentence structure does not apply to me . So There!

sir Eric

Sir Eric

Sir Eric is one on the king’s high judicial board. Sir Eric also comes from the land of Chicago. Chicago as you remember is the land of bad local kings like King Rob who sold local thrones for extra money. Another story.
Anway, King Eric has already pissed off the royal subjects by doing really stupid stuff. See, members of the royal army is fighting some real bad guys. One of the bad guys got a little frisky and the royal army guys had to set this man with the towel used as a hat…. Straight so he could not hurt others. Now, one would think Sir Eric would be proud of his Royal army guys but…. NNNOOOO…. Sir Eric wants to send them to the dungeon for their good deeds.
Sir Eric also wants to bring some really bad guys from the land of good cigars, to visit the king’s court. Now these Guys really don’t like the Kingdom and anyone who lives in it, in fact they say "hear ye hear ye ..."you guys suck" "death to all of King Obama’s subjects"… However ,Sir Eric wants to give them time to tell others how bad the Obama kingdom is ….What a nice man sayeth the main man with the towel hat.

Sir Eric also does not like King George. See King George hated the man with the towel hat and wanted to make sure his subjects were safe from Harm. Sir Eric thinks it wrong to protect the subjects of king Obama’s land. You’re the bad man Sir Eric!

Monday, May 3, 2010

In the land of Obama, there lived some town Criers‘. The town criers were in charge of spreading the word of the King. The King loved Sir General Electric because he always said nice things about the king. The king loved his servant Sir GE. They spoke highly of each other and when it came to others that wanted to be king , Sir GE made life generally very tough on them because he loved his king. Sir GE found himself being rewarded by the king letting him tax those not keeping their stables clean and making the earth unsafe.
On the other hand there was Sir Fox. Sir Fox was not pleasing to the king because he did something that was not known to the King . See, Sir Fox told the people of the kingdom the truth about king Obama and his servants. Now, Sir Fox had his own town criers… Bill and Glen and a jester in training Shep. Although Shep was the funniest one , he was in training to please Sir Fox. Every day Sir fox would be entertained by Glenn and bill and the people of the land was also amused. the king did not like this , He once told his personal town crier prince Robert to banish them from the Castle. Then came lady Sarah,Lady sarah was the former queen of the land of alaska an decided she would rather be a Lady. Sir Fox was impressed with Lady Sarah. Sarah was a lady that chats frequently with sir Fox. At one time a court Jester named David said some mean things about princess Sarah’s family and That pleased the king. David loved to fill his female helpers with his kindness but is was a secret . Its like the cooking pot calling the Kettle Black.
In the kings land his people like Lady Sarah. These people call themselves tea party people. The tea party people would like to take the kingdom back to the time of king Ronald when the people loved their king and all the people in the land was happy. But , King Obama doesn’t like that.
Sir Foxs favorite Town crier is Crier Glenn….and that he is. The king doesn’t like Glenn because Glenn tells tales about the kings friends who hates the land. Friar Wright says god damn the kingdom , and others says bad things about the Kings people that are light in color. He tells tales of bad men that visit the kings castle and eats and drinks with the king . One friend has also spent a lot of time in the kings dungeon. The king is so upset he would like to stop sir foxes town criers from their truths . Its so sad!

in the beginning

The Tale of a Kingdom
The King
King Obama is king of the land OF America. Now King obama became king because of the short comings of king George from the land of Texas. King Obama was from the Land of Chicago where the land was corrupt . King Obama was a man who acquired tax monies from the people of the land to give to his personal interest in his own land .
King Obama said to the people let there be change only KO was smart , he did not let the people what change he had in store for them.
King O had lots of other kings of lands he controlled as well as helpers . There would be prince Harry of Nevada, Duchess Nancy of Frisco and the kings court jesters AL and Jessie. Also there was King Arnold of Kalefornea, former king and king of Arkansas Bill and queen hilliary. Also we will learn about other servants.

Duchess of Frisco
Nancy is the duchess of frisco. She is 3rd in line for the throne behind the kings personal protector of the drink spirits Joe. Nancy lives in the land of frisco and takes her personal flying chariot to the land of DC. On board of her chariot she has the best wine , the best cheese from the land of Wisconsin, and beef form the land of Colorado. All paid for by the people of the land . The people of frisco love her so much (not) that 95% think she should rule another land far from frisco. In Fact, more people think that King Elvis (the king of rock and roll) is still alive, than like Duchess Nancy. Duchess Nancy lives in the land of the sexually confused near the pacific sea in the land controlled by the local King Arnold.

King Arnold of Kalefornea
Now king Arnold was once an entertainer of the people and still performs this as local King. King Arnold has a troubled land. King Arnold has invited all who live in the land of the south
to join him . King Arnold gives free health care , and pays retired teachers much money for teaching the children of earlier times. Now King Arnold went to the land of DC and told King Obama that his land
Was Flat ass Broke! King Obama said not to worry Arnold . I will have the taxman institute a new VAT tax. “we can collect more money so we can spend it foolishly ! And so it will be . And Arnold flew aboard duchess Nancy’s chariot and ate and drank well. King Arnold and duchess Of frisco Nancy spoke together . King Arnold said I am concerned ! Duchess Nancy said do not fear ! We can get money from the great land by the china sea….would you like more caviar? The duke of Nevada was with them and laughed.
Duke of Nevada
Duke Harry … Duke Harry has no clue. Duke Harry is from the land of desert and the land known as sin city. Duke Harry seems to suffer from the illness known as PASIAS (people are stupid I am smart ) syndrome. He is a leader of King Obamas Senate. He is very unpopular right now.
Court Jester
King Obama has his personal Favs. One is Jessie the lord of blackmail, and the other is AL the lord of STUTS. (stir up the s..t) Now lord Jessie went to former king Carter and said set my people free and give me seed money for my organization or ill create some bad times …so king jimmy said OK . So Jimmy gave lord Jessie Millions of dollars for the organization . Jessie used the money wisely and supported all his children from his wife and Others who bore his children. Jessie also went to a beer maker in the land of st. Louis and said My son would like to be a seller of your fine product , if not , My tribesman will not drink your product and it was done. One time both the court jesters went to Indiana where a young tribe woman said 5 men from another tribe tried to lay with her . Lords al and Jessie had harsh words for the young men and wanted them beaten…However , the woman was of bad reputation and lied . It was so that lords Al And Jessie never apologized to the men. Funny GUYS .
A great Flood came upon the land of Mississippi and Louisiana and was devastated .One of King Obamas servants Sir W. Jefferson, was a leader in the land of Louisiana. Now when the floods came he had to leave his home and tried to take His earnings from his cold box… the authorities thought this strange and he was found guilty of wrong doing. What a great story.